Thursday, October 19, 2006

That Damn Andy Rea

Now that damn handy Andy Rea, my drug-addicted half mule handy man, been diggin thru the other dollar bins at the thirf store.....

Look what Andy found.....

Well, Well, Well, My Honeys. You just never know what you’ll find at the Salvation Army. Now mind you, I never go for the shopping, I like cruising the AA meetings to find victums, I mean, SOULS to save and buy a cocktail. That crazy army is trying to keep people off the streets, have you heard of such a thing????

Anyway, my dear trusted bi-racial (Mullatto i think the Politically Correct would say, but we all know Miss DeeDee is not PC) post-operative trannie gardener, Andy Rea Beaverhausen, found this when he accidentally dropped a dime bag in the dollar bin at the thrift store…..i told him to get off the drugs and this is why……

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Second Coming????

God Fearing, i tell you....

(Compliments of Linda, my assistant, who under the darkness of night helps me spread the word!)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Missionary Positions Commissions Act of 2006

President Bush, surrounded by members of Congress including Sen. Miss DeeDee Royalis, State of Denial (D), signs the Missionary Positions Commissions Act of 2006, Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2006, in the East Room, of the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Ron Edmonds)