Thursday, January 03, 2008

She said she wouldn't do it....


Miss DeeDee Royalis is announcing right here, and at a bar near you, that she is in FACT running not only her queen size panty-hose but she is also running for the office of Presidente a la Unitedo Stateso. And since she heard the party was at the Casa D'Caucus right now, well Miss DeeDee just telephon-i-a old Olivia and offered her some old fashion mu'lah, if you know what ole' Miss DeeDee means....She is a shoe-in for first place at the D'Caucus's tonight!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

SweDeeDee Todd tops the Movie List with Blockbuster sales

Story about a grisly revenge by Miss DeeDee Royalis, a wo-man unjustly imprisoned by a lecherous queer judge. Royalis returns as barber SweDeeDee Todd and exacts revenge giving bad haircuts and botched Brazilian waxes to unsuspecting customers. The Movie unfolds like a bad dye job, this one is certainly not to be missed!